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अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Archived: Tender Award Details

S/R to Dr. BRA IRCH.(SH: Replacement of damaged metallic false ceiling with ACP at ground floor corridor) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Resd. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: Internal painting and finsihing of G type Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
A/ R and M/O resdl. Campus at A.V. Nagar (South) (SH: Internal finishing/white washing of the qtrs. at B type block) at AIIMS.
Replacement of worn out pipe and fitting from Ground floor to 7th floor of B & C wings shaft at Dr. R.P. Centre) at AIIMS.
A/R and M/O A.v. Nagar (North).(SH: Annual maintenance contract for various type IIIqtrs and FTA) at AIIMS.
Upgradation of central staircase (In front of cafe) of Teaching Block at AIIMS.
Renovation of main lift lobby and staircase from 1st to 7th floor of C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
S/R to resdl. Campus at A.V. Nagar (South). (SH Replacement of broken and damaged wooden door and window shutter in A and B type qtrs.) at AIIMS.
A/R and M/O Ladies Hostel. Nurses Hostel Old OT New pvt. Ward. at AIIMS.
A/R and M/O to Dr. BRA IRCH
Renovation Mess/Cafe of Hostel no. 5 in Gents Hostel at AIIMS.
Renovation of vacated F,E and DII type quarters on day to day basis in Western Campus at AIIMS.
5th floor Teaching block flooring and veneer work on door and polishing works at AIIMS.
Construction of tempo4rary structure on the terrace of 2nd floor of main kitchen in Old Nurses Hostel.
M/O WTA/C and Split type A/C units and drinking water coolers at AIIMS.
Renovation of vacated DII/5 qtr. in Western campus at AIIMS.
S/R to P.C. and Teaching block (SH: Pdg. and applying fire retardant paint on wooden paelling and curtains in Auditiourium and Conference Hall) at AIIMS.
S/R JPNATC (SH: Replacement of damaged MS grating by ductile iron grating at various places in Trauma Centre) of AIIMS.
Renovation of Guest Room and Recoreation Hall at Dr. Hostel in M. Moth) at AIIMS.
S/R to resd. qrts. in Eastern campus. (SH: Pdg. & Laying wall & floor tiles in qtrs. NO.C1/17) at AIIMS.
Relaying/repair of Bitumen carpeting from children mediine OPD to gate No.2 portion of road near Guest House and in front of New Pvt. Ward) at AIIMS.
Development of Dustbin and tube well area near back of E19,21 at Western Campus at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. qtrs. in Eastern campus at AIIMS.
Renovation of Lab Medicine Lab No.20 and 21 2nd floor OPD Block at AIIMS.
Renovation in the deptt. of Physical Medicine and Rehabitation (PMR) at AIIMS.
M/O A/C plant at CNC at AIIMS.
Running Opetation & Maint. of Sewage Treatment plant at Truma Centre of AIIMS.
Renovation of PVT. Rooms with toilets ( room no.1 to 24 at ground floor of New Pvt. wards building) at AIIMS.
Replacement of AHUs of NS OT-5 for CNC at AIIMS.
S/R JPNATC (SH: Replacement of damaged PVC conductive flooring in OT3 and OT4 Trauma centre) at AIIMS.
Comp. Maint of Lifts (OTIS Make) in Dr. R.P. Centre at AIIMS.
Operational Contract of A/C plant for Adminstrative Block at AIIMS.
R & M/O Lifts on C.N. Tower at AIIMS.
M/O Main A/C plant at JPNATC AIIMS.(SH: Duct cleaning work of ward block Emerency ICU's and other air conditioned area of entire building.)
M/O A/C plant at C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
M/O A/C plant at AIIMS. (SH: Managing the services of varuious locations of Air conditioning systems.)
M/O WTAC unit and Ref. work at AIIMs.
Replacement of Butterfl valve for chilling unit condensor iniet & outlet and pumps iniet of main A/C plant area.)
Providing and fixing of calcium silicate false ceiling at 9th floor OT area at AIIMS.
P/F and Installation of 1.5 TR/2.0 TR ccap. WT/Split AC units of various locations/Department of Dr. RPC AIIMS. B.) Replacement of 1.5TR cap WT/ Split AC units of various locations/ Department at Dr. RPC AIIMS.
Renovation of Urology OT 5th floor in OPD Block at AIIMS.
Renovation of C6 Ward in Ward Block at AIIMS.
Additional and Alternation of R.NO. 1137 and 1148 for converting into operation theatre and provision of store and lab at waiting area in Skin OPD at AIIMS.
Sanitation & House Keeping Services at Qutreach OPD Jhajja of AIIMS.
A/R  & M/O to wards Block (SH: Job work for sewerman , plumber,mason and beldar work) at AIIMS.
Providing Epoxy on walls and floors at OT- 2,3 and B-A and corridor at  8th floor ward Block at AIIMS.
Renovation adn A/A of E.I. & Fans in Flat NO. F18,21,32,47,53 & 66 in  Western Campus, Resl. Area at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans in WArd Block at AIIMS (SH: Comp. Maint. of Pegssus make UPS systems installed for AB8 ICU, AB4 Dialaysis unit and AB5 ICU)
Pdg. Installation of 20 KVA Three phase UPS system for ESR Analyser Machine in Central Collation Facility GR, floor OPD Area of AIIMS.
S/I/T/C of 2x50 KVA UPS system for Examination Section at AIIMS.(SH: A-S/I/T/C of UPS)
S/I/T/C of IP based network Camera with recording facility in old Casuality at AIIMS.
Replacement of old/out dated single phase UPS with New Three phase online UPS in Main OT of CN Centre at AIIMS.
M/O Electrical stock at AIIMs.(SH: Procurement of 36/40watt fluorescent Tubular Lamps FTL)
A/R & M/O JJPNATC (SH: Annual repair and maintenance of all multistoried block of Trauma Centre) at AIIMS.
Special Repair of E.I. & Fans in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
M/O Lifts and Generator set in Main Hospital at AIIMS.
M/O E.I & fans, DG set, Pumps street lights etc. in Centre for Dental Education and Research at AIIMS.
Replacement of 110 KVA D.G. set with 25 KVA D.G. set in NMR centre at AIIMS.
Pdg. Access control system for Dr. Duty Rooms in D5,C5,C3, & NICU B wards in  wards block at AIIMS.
Repair of louvers and chajja at D ward (New Emergency ward site) ward block at AIIMS.
Making Translation stroke biology lab in the space allotted to prof. K prasad Neurology in central Animal facility at AIIMS.
Round the clock operation and Comprehensive Maintenance of Automatic Fir Alarm system installed at Biotech Building at AIIMS.
S/R to OPD block (SH: Misc. repairing works in Orthopedics O.Ts) at AIIMs.
S/R to Drs. Hostel M.Moth .AIIMS.
S/R to Residential Quarter in Western campus (SH: Renovation of vacated E type quarter No.E-8,29,12,40) at AIIMS.
S/R to Gents Hostel (SH: Renovation of Room No. 5,6&7 in the biotechnology block) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O to Residnetial Quarters in Western campus. (SH: Internal painting of Residential quarters on day to day basis during year 13-14) at AIIMs.
A/A in existing General tollets to covert the  same into toilets as well as store at Ist floor to 3rd floor of New pvt. ward at AIIMS.
Replacement of old and detoriate fitting of type II Qtrs. stair case Masjid Moth at AIIMS.
Providing and installation of solar Heating system at Gents Hostel Nol,1 and 2 at AIIMS.
Renovation of Seminar room at the CAF at AIIMS.
S/IT/C of 20 KVA UPS system for Operations Theaters and OPD in DR. R.P. centre at AIIMS.
M/O WTAC limit and Ref. works at AIIMS.
M/O WTAC and Ref. works at AIIMS.
Providing of E.I. and Fans in all sub centre at CRHS Project Ballabhgarh Haryana of AIIMS.
S/I/T/C of 40 KVA of online UPS in Casualty Area Trauma Centre at AIIMS.
M/O New Lifts of ward Block in Main Hospital at AIIMs, (SH: Running Operation of 4 Nos. Lifts of ward Block for 12 Months.
Provding and laying inter looking paver out side DII type park and in front of quarters in Western Campus at AIIMS.
R & M/O of lifts at New PVt. ward and Old Nurses Hostel at AIIMS.
Round the clock operation & Maint of Automatic Fire Alarm system at New Pvt. ward and old Nurses hostel at AIIMS.
M/O Comp. maint. of Nos lifts Dr. Hostel and Nurses  Hostel at Masjid Mothe at AIIMS.
Renovation of Urology O.T. at 5th floor in OPD Block at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans at A.V. Nagar at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O C.N. Centre.(SH: Annual operation & maintenance of R.O. plants at CNC & C.N. Tower) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdintail Quarters in Western campus .
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus.
Providing and Laying C.I. water pipe line from Sififort road to under ground water tank near B type Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar.
M/O AC plant at CDER.
M/O WTAC & Ref. works at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O to OPD blocl (SH: Annual operation and comprehensie of RO plants 3rd and 5th floor) at AIIMS.
S/R to External services (SH: providing water tanker of capacity 5000 litre) at AIIMS.
A/R and M/O resdl. Campus at A.V. Nagar (South) (SH: Internal finishing white washing of the qtrs at A,B,E, and new type III blocks) at AIIMS.
Renovation of Room No.3 and 4 at 4th floor for TMS and Neuro Navigation system under deptt. of Psychiatry in OPD block at AIIMS.
S/R to BRA IRCH (SH: External painting ) at AIIMS.
S/R to Wards Block (SH: External finishing and repairing of AB wing C wing D wing and adjoining area at AIIMS
Providing and Laying CI pipe line from F-1 to F-119 to maintain pressure in the water supply line in Western Campus at AIIMS.
S/R to New Pvt. ward and Hostel No. 9.10.11 and RPC II at AIIMS.
Renovation of room No. 7,8 & 11 along wiht corridor allotted to Fr. Suri & Dr. Goswami in Centre Animal Facility at AIIMS.
S/R to Gents hostel (Renovation of room no. 2,3,5, & 6 in the CSD at 1st floor) at AIIMS.
S/R to Gents Hostel .
A/R & M/O to Dr. BRA IRCH (Internal painting of MO ward 7th floor SO ward SOT & RT ward 1st floor and all staircases and corridors of centre) at AIIMS.
Renovation of offices and corridor of ground floor of ORBO building for CNC at AIIMS.
P/F fast track curtain system and I.V. hangers in geriatrics ground floor of New Pvt. ward at AIIMS.
P/F fast track curtain system and I.V. hangers in geriatrics ground floor of New Pvt. ward at AIIMS.
Construction of permanent flooring in front of OPD at Dayalpur of AIIMS.
Renovation of Fire exit staircse near R.No. 54 in OPD block at AIIMS.
Making provision for Investigative Room in 1st and 4rd floor D wing in Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS.
S/R to External Services .
A/R & M/O Resdl. Campus at A.V. Nagar.
Widening of existing Road from DII-1 to E51 quarter in Western campus at AIIMS.
Renovation of DII type Servant toilet and bathh in Qtr. No. 1 to 28 in Western campus, at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Dr. R.P. Centre.
A/R and M/O resdl. qtrs type III and FTA at A.V. Nagar  (North).
Construction of DG set and Panel room for hostel no. 9 & 10 RPC and 2 old OT block in Hostel no.9 at AIIMS.
Const. of ward and rooms in courtyard of New Pvt. ward building at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O resdl. qtrs. in E.C. (SH:Internal Painting in CII type qtrs_ at AIIMS.
Sanitation & House Keeping Services at CRHSP.
A/R & M/O Resdl. qtrs. in  E.C (SH: Internal painting of G type.) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O resdl. qtrs. in E.C.(SH: Internal painting of I type qtrs.) at AIIMS.
Sanitation & House Keeping services at CRHSP, PHC Chhainsa and Dayaplur at Ballabgarh.
Maintenance free 7 AH 12 V Batteries for replacement.
Renovation of C4 ward in Wards Block at AIIMS.
Rate contract for supply, Installation.
Renovation of Room No.704& 708 Deptt. of Neurology in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
S/I of submersible pump motor set at new tube well bore near Dustbin Medical OPD and Park in front of flat No.E67. Eastern Campus at AIIMS.
S/R to FTA at A.V. Nagar (North) .
A/R & M/O Getns Hostel.
S/I/T/C of upgraded pump set in place worn out pump set at Trauma Centre at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O old Type III qtrs. and FTA at A.V. Nagar.
S/R to Resdl. qtrs. in eastern campus.
pdg. & fixing false celling in OPD at Dr. R.P. centre at AIIMS.
M/O pump set at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. A.v. Nagar.
Construction of Porta cabin office on the terrace of P.C. block at AIIMS.
Construction of toilet block for waiting area in vishram sadan in western campus.
M/O W.T.A.C units and Refr. works at AIIMS.
Replacement of cold stores A and B of main kitchen AIIMS.
S/R to Resdential qtrs. in western campus (SH: Renovation of  of F/Type occupied qtrs.
Renovation of CT3 ward in CN Centre at AIIMS.
M/O Mian AC plant at JPNATC.
M/O Telephone equipment at AIIMS.
Construction of food fourt chemist shop and General store near faculty car parkding at AIIMS.
S/I/T/C of 30 HP Booster motor set in G type pump house Eastern Campus residential area at AIIMS.
Replacement of Lift No. 12 A wing ward block in Hopital at AIIMS.
Renovation of 4th floor corridor in Teaching Block at AIIMS.
Pdg. and installation of 15 KVA UPS at STEM CEll Animal Experimental lab Animal House AIIMS.
S/I/T/C/ of passenter Lift in exisiting lift shaft from basement to Ist floor of CNC at AIIMs.
Providing and installation of solar water Heating systme at Gents hostel No. 4 & 5 AIIMS.
Replacement of Lift No. 12 A wing ward block in Hospital at AIIMS.
M/O AC plant for Dr. BRAIRCH AIIMS.
Special Repair of E.I. & Fans in ward block at AIIMs.
Supply Installation testing and commissioning of Drying  Thumbers at laundry. AIIMS.
Round the clock operation & maintenance of Automatic Fire Alarm System of New Pvt. Ward & Nurses hostel at AIIMS.
Special repair of Electrical Boiler at AIIMS. (SH: Replacement of main Vessal of Electrode Boiler) at New Laundry.
Replacement of 25 HP Booster pump motor set in I type pump house Western Campus and residential area at AIIMS.
S/I/T/C/ pf Electrical cubical panel boards cables etc.  At Main Kitchen at AIIMS New Delhi.
Provision of additional furniture and other misc. work in OPD of C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
All in comprehensive operation and maintenance of Air conditioning plant at Dr. R.P. centre at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Replacement of Old iron window at MRTH Trilok puri of AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Resd. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar ( painting work internal of qtrs. A.B. & New Type III Qtrs. at AIIMS.
Fabrication placing and fixing of porta cabin at the terrace of SRB centre OPD block at AIIMS.
Providing & fixing false ceiling in Gymkhana at AIIMS.
Development of Court yard on the back side of Room No. 37 to 48 at Ground floor of New Pvt. Ward at AIIMS.
M/O Main A/C plant at JPNA TC. Raj Nagar.
M/O E.I. and Fans at A.V. Nagar (SH:Running Operation of E.I. and Fans and attending complaints).
R and M/O lifts installed in nurse hostel and/Doctor's hostel Masjid Moth at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH:Running Opereation of lifts).
P/F Drip Tray and Drainage line arrangement for condensing water from WTA/C units at Dr.RPC, AIIMS.
Pdg. and Placing M.S. Movable barricades in hospital area at AIIMS.
R & M/O lifts at New Pvt. Ward at AIIMS.
M/O of E.I. & fans at CRHSP Ballabhgarh at AIIMS.
M/O lifts of  OPD & Private ward bolck at AIIMS.
M/O AHU's & FCU at AIIMs New Delhi.
M/O A/C plant at CNC at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans a A.V. Nagar (SH: Running operation of E.I. & fans and attending complaints
Running operation of pump Motor sets of JPN Apex Trauma Centre. Raj Nagar.
M/O of E.i. & fans at CRHSP Ballabhgarh at AIIMS.
S/I/T/C of Electerica cublicle panel boards cables etc. at Main kitchen at AIIMS.
M/O E.I & Fans in ward block at AIIMA.
R & M/O lifts installed in Nurses Hostel and Doctor's Hostel Masjid moth at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans at A.v. Nagar at AIIMS (SH: Day to day pumping operation of water supply pump & submersible pump at A,v, Nagar).
A/R & M/O Resdl. Qtrs. in Estern Campus (SH: Internal painting in CI-CII DII & E type qtrs. ) at AIIMS
A/R and M/O resdl. qtrs. in Western Campus. (SH:Supply of Materials for maintenance of Sadans at sute) at AIIMS.
A/R and M/O resdl. qtrs. in Eastern Campus. (SH:Supply of C.P. fittings item) at AIIMS.
M/O Lifts of CN Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH:Round the clock operation of lifts for 12 months).
M/O E.I. and Fans in Residential Area of Eastern and Western Campus at AIIMS (SH:Running maintenance for one year).
Renovation of CT-3 ward in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
P/I of Tower Type split A/C unit in the Extended Lab 2nd Floor and Conference Hall all 1st Floor (Near Physiotherapy) at JPNATC, AIIMS.
A/R and M/O Resdl. qtrs. at A.V. Nagar. (SH:Painting work internal of day to day vacanted qtrs. during 2011 year) at AIIMS.
S/R to Dr.R.P. Centre (SH:Renovation of toilet 1st floor to 7th floor A, B and C wing) at AIIMS.
Mechanised and Automated cleaning of RKAK OPD, OLD Causalty and New Emergency ward, ward block - Ground Floor to 9th floor, Old Pvt. ward at AIIMS. (SH:1)
M/O Electrical stock at AIIMS (SH:Supply of Electronic Choke, CFL).
M/O Electrical stock at AIIMS (SH:Supply of Electronic Choke, CFL).
Deputing Telephone Operator at JPN Apex Trauma Centre at AIIMS, Raj Nagar, New Delhi.
Providing & laying glazed floors tiles in "B" Type qtrs. (Old) B97 to 192 (96) at A,V, Nagar at AIIMS.
Augmentations of Telephine cable and D.P. boxes at AIIMS.
Pdg. & fixing drainage pipe line in OPD in C.N. Centre.
P/F High Definition VC  system in  cum telemedicine room in  NS6 of CN centre.
All in comprehensive operation and maintenance of 500TRx 6Nos. Centrifugal water chilling machines for main A/C plant of Institute at AIIMS.
Renovation of Skin Counter, Minor OT and Phototherapy room skin OPD, OPD Block at AIIMS.
Deputing Telephone Operator at JPN Apex Trauma Centre at AIIMS, Raj Nagar, New Delhi.
Construction of tube well near residential enquiry in Eastern Campus at AIIMS.
M/O Geysers in Gents Hostel and Ladies Hostel at AIIMS.(SH:Supply of material for Geysers).
Renovation of C-1 ward in ward block at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH:Providing E.I. and Fans).
M/O E.I. and Fans in Dr.BRAIRCH at AIIMS.(SH:Supply of material).
S/I/T/C of online UPS in AB-7 ICU/KTP/PAR in ward block at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to Ladies Hostel(SH:Guiniting of damaged ceiling of toilets, corridor of hostel No.9) at AIIMS.
A/R and M/O to New Pvt. Ward (SH:Internal painting of Rooms and corridoe of New Pvt. ward) at AIIMS.
Providing electrical supply for new CT scanner in R.No.8 of main OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Comprehensive Miantenance of 4 Nos. Lifts (Kone Make) Installed in BRAIRCH at AIIMS For 24 months).
Replacement of worn- out/outstandated in A- wing riser from Ist to 8th floor of ward block at AIIMS.
Replacement of worn- out/outstandated in A- wing riser from Ist to 8th floor of ward block at AIIMS.
Renovation of CT-2 ward in C.N. Centre, at AIIMS.
Renovation in the Deptt. of Physical Medicine and rehabilitation(PMR) at AIIMS.
Pdg. and lying of floor tiles and ceiling in SRB Centre 3 rd floor OPD Block at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. qtrs. at A.V. Nagar(SH:Cutting of wild growth in outer area as Footpath,Kerb Stone, Terrace, cutting tree leaf and removing grass day to day for 3 months job work at site) at AIIMS.
S/R to CDER (SH:Pdg. and fixing wooden counter at 6th floor clinical area) at AIIMS.
A/R and M/O Dr.R.P.Centre(SH:Internal painting of ward Block and OPD Block) at AIIMS.
Replacement of 125KVA D.G. Set with new 380KVA DG set in Dr. R.P.Centre at AIIMS,New Delhi.
M/O AHU's and FUC's at AIIMS.(SH:All in comprehensive operation and maintenance contract of main OPD Block A/C system).
M/O A/C Plant at Dr.BRAIRCH, AIIMS(SH:P/F of HEPA and Microvee Filters for O.T. and ICU Air Handling  units.)
M/O W.T.A/C units and split A/C units a Outer area AIIMS,New Delhi(SH:All in comprehensive maintenance servicing of W.T.A/C units, Split A.C. units and water coolers of EAF colony,Biotech Bldg.,Library, Morturary,CWS, Guest House,New Medical OPD etc. in outer area.)
Augmentations of Telephone cable and D.P. boxes at AIIMS.(SH:S/F of Telephone cables and D.P. Boxes at Teaching Block at AIIMS.
Renovation of inner and outer corridor of OT Complex with grnite stone at 8th floor ward block at AIIMS.
Renovation of NS-5 Ward in C.N.Centre at AIIMS.
Making walking track in Director Bungalow at AIIMS.
M/O A/C Plant at Dr.BRAIRCH,AIIMS(SH:P/F of HEPA and Microvee Filters for O.T. and ICU Air Handling units.)
A/R and M/O Dr.R.P. Center(SH:Supply of water pipe line and sanitary fittings for OPD and Ward) at AIIMS.
Annual comprehensive Maintenance of W.T A/C, split A/C and water cooler at Dr.R.P.Center, AIIMS,
M/O W.T.A/C units and split A/C units a Outer area AIIMS,New Delhi(SH:All in comprehensive maintenance servicing of W.T.A/C units, Split A.C. units and water coolers of EAF colony,Biotech Bldg.,Library, Morturary,CWS, Guest House,New Medical OPD etc. in outer area.)
M/O Main A/C plant at JPNA TC.(SH:Operation and maintenance of Softender for A/C plant  at AIIMS,
A/R and M/O Dr.R.P. Centre (SH:Supply of water pipe line and sanitary fittings for OPD and ward) at AIIMS,
Replacement of worn-out/outdated board in A-wing riser from Ist to 8th floor of ward block at AIIMS,New Delhi.
Special Repairing and Operation Maintenance of Sewage Treatment plant at Trauma Center of AIIMS,New Delhi.
S/R to Old Type-III and FTA(SH:Pdg. and laying ceramic floor tiles and allied work vacated qtrs.) at AIIMS.
Replacement of old/out dated CCTV System in Ramalingaswami board room at AIIMS,New Delhi.
R/O of pump motor set at Trauma Centre, Raj Nagar, AIIMS, New Delhi.
Miscellaneous Electrical Works at CDER at AIIMS, New Delhi.
M/O Pump set at AIIMS.(SH:R/O of pump motor set of residential area, E/W Campus at AIIMS.
S/I/T/C of 30 HP booster pump motor set in G type pump house, Eastern campus, residential area at AIIMS.(Phase - I)
S/R towards block(SH:Water proofing of terrace of AB wing at AIIMS.
Up gradation of swimming pool filtration plant at Gents Hostel at AIIMS(SH:Mechanical and piping work).
Renovation of kitchen and toilet of married accommondation in R.No.521 to 526 and 619 to 620 in Drs.Hostel, Mashid Moth) at AIIMS.
Renovation and A/A of E.I. and Fans in Flat No.C-II-23 in Eastern campus, residential area at AIIMS.
M/O WT AC unit and Ref works at AIIMS.(SH:Supply of material for WTAC Unit).
Providing E.I. and Fans plug points etc. at misclaneous location of Trauma Center at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH:Replacement of dismantled/rusted GI SCI pipe at various places in A,B(New and Old qtrs.) day to day at AIIMS.
Renovation of C-5 ward in ward block at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH:E.I. and Fans).
Construction of rooms with toilet on terrace of CN  Tower at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH:Electrical work).
S/R to ward block (SH:P/F alum. racks in anesthesia room in different OT 8th floor and misc. work in VVIP room GF) at AIIMS.
Miscellaneous Electrical Works at CDER at AIIMS, New Delhi.
M/O Geysers in Gents Hostel and Ladies Hostel at AIIMS(SH:Supply of material for Geysers).
M/o Geysers in Gents Hostel and Ladies Hostel at AIIMS, (SH:Supply of material for Geysers).
M/O Pump set at AIIMS.(SH:R/O of Pump motor set of residential area, E/W Campus at AIIMS.)
R/O of pump motor set at Trauma Center, Raj Nagar, AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to Resdl. qtrs. at A.V. Nagar(SH:Repl. of damaged C.C. flooring and plaster of type-III/409-412 qtrs. and type III/266-270) at AIIMS.
S/R to Gents Hostel(SH:Replacement of old damaged windows of hsotel No.1 to 8) at AIIMS.
S/R to Gents Hostel(SH:Making Bore well in hostel campus) at AIIMS.
Renovation of Hematology and Children surgery OPD 3rd floor in OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH:P/F Electrical Works).
SITC 10 KVA UPS System for NS-6 Conf. Room and Computer Networking shaft in CN Center at AIIMS,ND (SH:1: UPS System work).
Renovation of Hematology and Children Surgery OPD 3rd floor OPD Block at AIIMS.
Renovation of OPD of C.N. Centre at AIIMS(Air-Conditioning works).
M/O E.I. and Fans of C.N. Center at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH:Replacement of cubicle panel for NS side AHUs in NS-4 ward.)
Replacement of wormout Geyser and exhaust fan in A and B wing ward of Dr. R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Comprehensive maintenance and round the clock operation of automatic fire alarm system in ward block and pvt. ward at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Renovation of Room No.7,13 and 2 M.S. wing at ward block at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH:E.I. and Fans).
Supply of AHU coil washing pump vacuum cleaner and drill machine for Main A.C. Plant at AIIMS, New Delhi.
A/R M/O ward block(SH:Job work related to Clerical staff,Carpenter,Plumber and Sewer man work in ESD Control Room) at AIIMS.
Construction of New Medical OPD Consultant Rooms near Registration Counter OPD Block) at AIIMS.
Renovation of Room No.1 in Bio-Technology building at AIIMS, (SH:Electrical work).
M/O Street Light at AIIMS (SH:Supply of copper Ballast of 70/150/250 watt).
M/O Street Light at AIIMS (SH:Supply of copper Ballast of 70/150/250 watt).
S/R to Gents Hostel(SH:Repair of flooring of court yard of motor Garage) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. qtrs. in western campus (SH:Grouting of terrace of F,E and D-II type qtrs.) at AIIMS.
M/O AHU and FCU at AIIMS(SH:Replacement of Air-filters of Main O.T.'s and Ortho O.T.'s AHU's at AIIMS, New Delhi.
A/R and M/O to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar(SH: Painting work internal of New Type-III) at AIIMS.
M/O Oil gas plant at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH:Engaging of gas man at oil gas plant).
A/R and M/O Old type III qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH:Painting work in different unit) at AIIMS.
Providing and installation of solar water heating system at Ladies Hostel No.9 AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH: II-Mechanical and Electrical work).
P/F Changeover switch for Emergencies ACB in main switch room at New Pvt. ward at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Annual Maintenance countract of W.T. A/C, Split A/C and water cooler for new Private ward at AIIMS.
M/O Street Light at AIIMS(SH:Supply of copper ballast of 70/150/250 Watt).
M/O Street Light at AIIMS(SH:Supply of copper ballast of 70/150/250 Watt).
Up-gradation of 3 floor corridor of P.C. Block at Deptt. of Biochemistry at AIIMS.
SITC 10 KVA UPS System for NS-6 Conf. Room and Computer Networking shaft in CN Center at AIIMS,ND(Sub Head-I:UPS System work).
S/R to P.C. and Teaching Block(SH:P/L Kota stone flooring in P.C. and Teaching Block Service Centre area) AIIMS.
A/R and M/O Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar(SH:Painting work at A.V. Nagar) at AIIMS.
Comprehensive maintenance and round the clock operation of Automatic Fire Alarm Sysytem in Dr.R.P.Center at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to Drs./Nurses  Hostel at M.Moth(SH:Replacement of broken PVC sheets on shafts)at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. qtrs. at A.V. Nagar(South Side).(SH:Cleaning of sewer line by hydraulic pressure jetting machine of A-type, B-type, Type-III and E-Type qtrs.) at AIIMS.
Comprehensive Maintenance and round the clock operation of automatic fire alarm system in ward block and Pvt. ward at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Renovation of OPD of C.N.Centre at AIIMS.(Air-Conditioning works).
M/O W.T A/C unit and Ref. works at AIIMS.(SH:Supply of material for W.T. A/C unit.)
Renovation/Upgradation of Main A/C Plant at AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH:Low side work, phase-II
A/A of E.I. and Fans in various areas of Dr.BRAICH at AIIMS, New Delhi. (Phase III).
Pdg./Fixing of 10 KVA UPS system for J.L. Auditorium of P.C. and T. Block at AIIMS, New Delhi.
M/O Comp. Maint. Contract for 1 No.20 Passenger cum bed lift and 1 No. 15 passenger cum bed lift of Johnson make at Centre for Dental Education and Research, AIIMS, New Delhi.(12 Months).
M/O E.I. and Fans of C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH:Repl. of LT Distribution panel for CTVS ICU-A UPS supply and NS OT normal supply).
M/O E.I. and Fans inward Block at AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH:Comp. maint. of Labotech make UPS in IVF, Main O.T. and D-5 ICU)
M/O E.I. Fans in Gents Hostel Ladies Hostel, Bio-tech. building, Animal House and other non-residential building at AIIMS.
M/O Telephone equipment at AIIMS.(SH:Maintaining Telephone Service at AIIMS.
Providing and installation of solar water heating system at Ladies Hostel No.9 AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH:H-Mechanical and Electrical work).
A/R & M/O P.C. and Teaching Block(SH:Supply of materials) at AIIMS.(Agt. No.115/B&R/CD-I/2010-2011).
M/O E.I. and Fans in Dr.R.P. Centre at AIIMS. New Delhi.(SH:Running maintenance and Managing the services of E.I. and Fans).
A/R and M/O P.C. and Teaching Block(SH:Supply of materials) at AIIMS.(Agt.No.114/B&R/CD-I/2010-2011).
S/R to Dr.R.P. Centre.(SH:Renovation of toilet at 7th floor in ocular pathology) at AIIMS. (Agt.No.94/B&R/CD-II/2010-2011).
A/R and M/O P.C. and Teaching Block(SH:Supply of materials) at AIIMS(Agt.No.116/B&R/CD-I/2010-2011).
P/F Changeover switch for Emergencies ACB in main switch room at New Pvt. ward at AIIMS,New Delhi.
R and M/O lift installed in Nurses Hostel and Dr. Hostel Masjid Moth AIIMS.(Running Operation of Lifts).
Providing Potable Water Treatment through Reverse Osmosis Technology for Trauma Centre of AIIMS.
Providing Electrical connection of new laundry machine at CRHS project Ballabargh at AIIMS.
M/O AHU and FCU at AIIMS.(SH:Replacement of Air-filters of Main OT's and Ortho OT's AHU's at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Improvement of main enterance of New Pvt. Ward(SH:Pdg. and fixing alum. composite panel with alum. sheet glass) at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & fans of CNC at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Renovation and A/A of E.I. & Fans in Flat No. C-1-17 eastern campus.
Renovation of Endocrinology Lab in CAF at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans if C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Providing and laying of L.T. cables for airconditiners and lights load to the new wings of Hostel No.7 & 8 at AIIMS .
M/O E.I. & fans in Dr. R.P. Centre at AIIMs New Delhi.
M/O E.I. & fans in ward Block at AIIMS.
M/O & Fans in ward block at AIIMS.
Replacement of wornout Geyser and exhaust fan in A & B wing ward of Dr. R.P. Centre at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & fans in residential area E/W campus at AIIMS.
Replacement of 1X58 watt Fluroscent fitting with 2X PL !! wall CFL fitting stair case at E type Qtrs A.V.Nagar at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans in resdidential area, E/W Campus at AIIMS.
Rewiring of E.I. & Fans in flat No. DII-19 in western campus. residential area at AIIMS.
M/O Pkg. units and cold store at AIIMS.
A/A in lifts if Dr. BRAIRCH at AIIMs.
Replacment of Butterfly valve for chilling unit No.4 and cooling tower of CNC A/C plant at C.N. centre AIIMS.
M/O Lifts of main Hospital at AIIMS New DElhi.
A/R & M/O Wards Block (SH: External painting at D wing at AIIMS.
Topographical survey of land (300 acres) of AIIMs at Jhajjar.
P/L Marble flooring in D6 ward in Wards Block at AIIMS.
Reovation of Room No. 1 in MS wing ground floor. wards Block at AIIMS.
S/R to REsdl. Qtrs. in EAstern Campus.
A/A in OPD room No.7 &8 and staff room at RT area at Dr. BRA, IRCH at AIIMS.
Renovation of P.G. Lab in the Deptt. of Pharmacology in P.C. Block at AIIMS.
S/R to CDER.
S/R to A.v. Nagar at AIIMS.
Providing and laying ceramic glazed floor tiles vacated  qtrs. B type and A type qtrs at A.V. Nagar at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs (South).
Renovation of R.NO. 1 in Biotechnology Building at AIIMS.
Renovation of D6 ward in ward Block at AIIMS.
A/A of E.I. & fans in R.NO. 1040/1,,1040/3,1006,2001,4007 and other in P.C. & Teaching Block at AIIMS.
M/O of E.I. & Fans in New Pvt. ward & Nurses Hostel at AIIMS,New Delhi.
Providing and Fixing PVC flooring in CT6 Ward in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Replacement of Air Handling units of CTVS O.T. No. 1 and 8 for C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
M/O Street light at main Hospital and residential areas, E/W Campus at AIIMS.
A/A in lifts of Dr. BRAIRCH at AIIMS.
Renovation of R.NO. 125 & toilet in the deptt. of HNU at Ist floor of Old O.T. Building at AIIMS.
P/F Wooden Cupboards, wall racks Tales and Counters etc. in N.S.-4 Ward in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Providing and Fixing Lighting Fixtures and Elect. works for waiting area/ Corridor etc. at Ist Floor, ICU of CWG 2010 at Trauma Centre at AIIMS.
R & M/O Pumping og Gents Hostel / Ladies Hostel at AIIMS.
A/R &M/O BHC Ballabbgarh. (SH: Internal and External painting of ward, Hospital and Hostels residence etc) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qrts. in W.C.(SH: Renovation of Qrt. No. DII/19)at AIIMS.
Construction of room with toilet of terrace of C.N. Tower in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
M/O AHI & FCI at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Replacement of Air Handling Units of CTVS O.T. No. 1 and 8 for C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
A/A of E.I. & Fans in Main O.T. and 9th Floor at ward block at AIIMS. New Delhi.
Renovation of D6 Ward in WArd Block at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtr. in E.C. (SH: Repl. of W/O Flooring in Qtr. No. C-I/II & E-53) at AIIMS.
S/R to CDER.(SH: Renovation of fornt area) at AIIMS.
S/R to CDER (SH:P/F wall tiles in staircase area) at AIIMS.
Providing Changeover Switch MCCB Cable etc. work for Provision of Generator Supply to CSSD Machines of Trauma Centre of AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & fans  in ward Block at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Pdg. Electrical Distribution Board etc. at O.T. Area for Reception OPD Counter, Air Curtain Trauma Centre AIIMS.
M/O AFAS of C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Ch to: M/O E.I. & Fans at Trauma Centre of AIIMS.
A/A of E.I. & fans in Room No. 3045,3004,3038,3082 and misc work in P.C. & Teaching Block at AIIMS.
P/F M.S. water tank required for Decontamination Shown System in Main Casualty Ward Block at AIIMS.
S/R to External services. (SH: Cleaning of Manhole in Hospital Area) at AIIMS.
Renovation of D6 ward in ward block at AIIMS.
R& M/O Pumping sets if Gents Hostel/Ladies Hostel at AIIMS.
A/R to M/O Resdl. qtrs. in  E.C(SH: Internal finsihing of G Type Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
M/O Telephone equipment at AIIMS.(SH: Supply of PVC wire/cable hand set cord etc.)
Pdg. Electrical Distribution Board etc. at O.T. Area for Reception OPD Counter, Air curtain Trauma centre AIIMs, New Delhi.
M/O Telephone equipment at AIIMS.
Upgradation of 3rd floor corridor  & Lift lobby in Teaching Block at AIIMS.
Renovation of work in the pantries at 1st floor to3rd floor in New Pvt. ward at AIIMS.
Renovation of Cardiology office at CT7 in C.N, Centre at AIIMS.
S/R to DR. R.P. Centre (SH: Replacment of steel water over head tanks at1st floor terrace of OPd Block) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O to JPNATC. (SH: P/F Aluminium fluted strips over door shutter in Trauma Centre) at AIIMS.
Construction of Toe wall to back and towards parking side at mortuary at AIIMS.
Renovation of stair case & replacaement of PVC of R.NO. 7 A of CSD in Animal House at AIIMS.
M/O W.T.A/C units and Ref. Works at AIIMs. (SH: All in comprehesive maintenance of W.T.A/C units,split A/C water cooler and Desert cooler at Ballabgarh project.)
P/F Aluminium Storage racks behind Reception counter at GF in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
S/R to Wards Block.(SH: Repl. of wornout Aluminium windows in AB1 Ward) at AIIMS.
S/R to CN Centre (SH: Misc. Repairing & other works in NS OT's) at AIIMS.
M/O Oil Fired Boilers at Trauma Centre at AIIMS.
Rewiring of Electrical Installation in Flat No E10,E63,E85 in Eastern & Western Campus residential area at AIIMS.
Renovation of UG Lab R.NO. 3040 Deptt. of Bio Chemistry in P.C. & Teaching Block at AIIMS New Delhi.
Providing & Fixing pump in new pump room near new Dr. Hostel CRHS project Ballabhgarh at AIIMS.
S/R to Wards block (SH: P/F MS grill in outer corridor 1 to 7th floor of CD wing) at AIIMS.
Day to day operation and maintenance of 1 No. R.O. plant of 500 LPH at Centre for Dental Education and Research at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans at A.V. Nagar at AIIMS. (SH: Running Maintenance of Elect. Installation including fans at FTA for 12 months.
A/R & M/O Dr. R.P. Centre (SH: suply of media Replacement for R.O. plan) at AIIMS.
S/I/T/C of 40 KVA UPS for Cardiology & CTVS ICU Cubicles in CT6 Ward of CNC at AIIMS New Delhi.
M/O E.I. & Fans at Trauma Centre  of AIIMs, New Delhi.
Miscellaneous work of different type flats A&B at A.V. Nagar at AIIMS.
Modification in R.NO. 5032 Deptt. of Urology in Teaching block at AIIMS.
S/R to Wards block.(SH: P/F sluice sink with accessories in OT Complex & different  wards) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O NDDTC,Ghaziabad. (SH: Job work for maintenance of lawns etc) at AIIMS.
Providing kota stone flooring on existing floor of Hostel at Dayalpur of AIIMS.
P/F aluminium racks in linesn store in main OT 9th floor, Wards Block at AIIMS.
A/RM/O 80 Nos. TypeII qtrs. Drs./Nurses hostel at M.Moth.
S/R to CDER.(SH: Internal & External finsihing of rooms)at AIIMS.
Renovation of Room NO. 1 to 11 of New Pvt. Ward for shifting of Railway Reservation,Central Admission Counters etc. at AIIMS.
Special Repair of E.I. & Fans in Cwing Ward at WArd Block at AIIMS.
Providing and laying of floor tiles and ceiling in SRB Centre IIIrd floor OPD Block at AIIMS.
R& M/O Lifts of CN. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to 50 Nos. flats at AGV complex.(SH: P/L Red stone on foot path from flat No. 396 to 43) at AIIMS.
S/R to CDER.(SH: P/F Sun control film at various locations at AIIMS.
Renovation of UG Lab R.NO. 3040 Deptt. of Bio Chemistry in P.C. & Teaching Block at AIIMs New Delhi.
M/O W.TA/C units and ref. works at AIIMS.(SH: all in comprehesive maintenance of Air conditining system and desert coolers water cooler at NDDTC Ghaziabad)
M/O W.T. A/C Unit and Ref. works at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans of C.N. Centre.(SH: Repl. of fl. fittings & TPDB in CTVS OT8 &9 Conference Room)
Rewiring of E.I. & Fans in Flat E15,E44,E74,&E97 in E/W Campus Residental Area at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in W.C. (SH: C.C. Flooring & shed in qtr. No. F55 & F87) at AIIMS.
S/R to 50Nos. flats at AGV Complex.( SH: Replacement of wornout wooden cupboard by MS cupboard of flat No. 416) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in E.C. (SH: Renovation of toilet of Community Centre.) at AIIMS.
S/R to 50Nos. flats at AGV Complex.
Renovation of Training Unit at PHC Dayalpur at Ballabhgarh at AIIMS.
Special Repair of E.I. & Fans in Dr. R.P. centre at AIIMS,New Delhi.
Annual maintenance Servicing of 12 nos. passenger Lifts, Passanger cum Bed Lifts & Dumb waiter AIIMS, at Trauma Centre.
S/I/T/C 10 KVA UPS system for OPD registration counter of CNC at AIIMS.
Renovation of NS$ ward in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Renovation of R.NO. 2 &3 and corridor for COE in Animal House at AIIMS.
Making covered passage fro temporary of CNC OPD at Ground floor in Old NH at AIIMS.
S/R to P.C. & Teaching Block.(SH: R/O flooring in the Deptt. of Paed. Surgery in R.NO. 4007A,4005,4002) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: Painting work day to day during 2010) at AIIMS.
M/O E.I.& Fans at 50Nos, flats at Hawa Singh Block, AGVC at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Teaching Block.(SH: Job work in Teaching block) at AIIMS.
Renovation of Molecular Implantation Biology Lab in R.NO. 2001 at Deptt. of Phyiology in P.C. Block at AIIMs.
Renovation of R.NO. 3005-A (Lab cum officer) Deptt. of Biochemistry in P.C. Block at AIIMS.
Improvement of main entrance of New Pvt. ward. (SH: P/F granite flooring and exterior finishing) at AIIMS.
Developing courtyard in front of R.NO. 37 to 47 at G.F. of New Pvt. ward New Delhi.
Pdg. & fixing aluminium racks in Intra Operative MRI O.T. C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V, Nagar.(SH: Repairing of damaged grit wash plaster of New A type & Type III Qtrs.) at AIIMs.
S/R to 50Nos. flats at AGV Complex (SH: Replacement of worn out doors,windows,cupboards & P/F floor tiles & misc. work in flat No. 432) at AIIMS.
S/R to Gents. Hostel.(SH: Renovation of corrdior at First floor in CSD) at AIIMS.
S/R to Residl. Qtrs at A.V. Nagar.(SH: Pdg. & fixing cup boards in qtrs. No. E-2,3,6&14) at AIIMS.
S/R to JPNATC. (SH: P/F false ceiling in connected corridor at Ist floor in Trauma Centre) at AIIMS.
P/F Audio Visual system in Seminar Cum Telemedicine Room in NS6 of CN Centre at AIIMS.
Renovation of NS4 ward in C.N. Centre at AIIMS New Delhi.
Providing CCTV system in N.S. area of CNC & CNT at AIIMs New Delhi.
Eddy current testing of heat exchanger of 500 TR chiller No.2 and 4 of Main A/C plant of AIIMS New Delhi,
Construction of additional 2nd floor above ORBO building of C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Additional Alteration for E.I. & Fans and rewiring etc. in Flat No. 401 & 413 at Hawa singhBlock AGVC at AIIMS New Delhi.
Providing CCTV system in N.S. O.T. area of CNC & CNT at AIIMS,New Delhi.
S/R to wards Block (SH; Water proofing of terrace of AB wing) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: External finishing of park, swings pumps room & common stair case of A,B,type III & Type IV Qtrs.
S/R to Gents Hostel. (SH: Provding PVC sheet covering around the Monkey Run I,II &III in Monkey colony at CAF) at AIIMS.
Renovation of R.NO. 4096 Deptt. of Psychiaty in Teaching Block at AIIMS.
S/R to 50Nos. Flats at AGV Complex. (SH: Replacement of wornout wooden Almirahs by M.S. Almirahs in Flat No. 401) at AIIMS.
Boroy of Tube in Mortruary area for New Laundry at AIIMS.
P/F fast rack system & IVF tree system in CT6 ward C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & Fans at 50 Nos. flats at Hawa Sing Block, AGVC at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: External finishing of park, swings pumps room & common stair case of A,B,type III & Type IV Qtrs.
Renovation of E.M. Lab at G.F. in CAF at AIIMS.
S/R to 50 Nos. Flats at AGV Complex. (SH: Replacement of wornout wooden Almirahs by M.S. Almirahs in Flat No. 413) at AIIMS.
Pdg. & Placing the RCC Benches at BHC Ballabgarh, Chainssa & Dayalpur of AIIMS.
Renovation of Training unit at PHC dayalpur at Ballabgarh at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & fans in Dr. BRAIRCH at AIIMS.
M/O E.I. & fans in Dr. BRAIRCH at AIIMS.
Construction of additional 2nd floor above ORBO building of C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi.
M/O E.I. & fans in Dr. BRAIRCH at AIIMS.
Pdg. & fixing cubical curtains in AB3 wards Block at AIIMS.
Operation of Air Conditioning units at PET/CYCLOTON installed in Deppt. of Nuclear Medicine at AIIMS.
S/I of Split A/C unit W.T. A/C unit at AIIMs. (SH: Supply of copper pipes stand insulation foam etc.)
Annual Maintenance servicing of 12 Nos. passanger lifts, passanger cum bed lifts & Dumb waiter AIIMS at Trauma Centre building Raj Nagar New Delhi.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: Renovation of qtrs. No. E-85) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Western Campus (SH: Renovation of Qtr. No. E-34 & E-15 at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: Renovation of qtrs. No. C-II/26) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: Renovation of qtrs. No. E-97) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Western Campus (SH: Renovation of Qtr. No. F-6 & F-60 at AIIMS.
Renoation of Exam Cell basement area in P.C. Block at AIIMS.
S/I/T/C 10 KVA UPS system for OPd registration counter of CNC at AIIMS New Delhi,
Const. of boundry wall along with encroachment area BHC Ballabgarh of AIIMS.
Renovation of Chiefs room and Doctor's changing room in CTVS OT at 1st floor, C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Providing and placing steel Lockers for the staff of laundry at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O 50 Nos. Flats at AGV Complex (SH: Internal painting of Flats) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O old Type III Qtrs. & FTA (SH: Finishing work in different6 Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
M/O All in comprehensive Mintenance of Desert cooler at 3000/4000 cmh capcity for Dr. R.P. Centre, AIIMS.
S/R to 50 Nos flats at AGV complex. (SH: Repl. of worn-out wooden almirah & renovation of flat No. 444) at AIIMS.
S/R to Old Type III Qtrs. & FTA at A.V. Nagar (SH: Repair of balcony plaster, chajja & roofs in different Old Type III Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
Renovation of Flat No. SIII/413 at AGV Complex (SH: P/F floor tiles, Renovation of toilet & kitchen & misc. works)at AIIMS.
S/R to JPNA Trauma Centre (SH: Providing & fixing false ceiling in disaster management area in Truma Centre) of AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus(SH: Renovation of Qtr. No.CII/18) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O to LH,NH.OOT,New Pvt. ward (SH: Job work for beldar/sewerman for the year 2010-2011) at AIIMS.
All in comprehensive Operation & Maintenance of 200 TR x 04 Nos. Screw type water chilling Machine for JPNA TC at AIIMs, New Delhi.
P/F RCC shelves and storage racks in CTVS OT No. 8 &9 at Ist floor in CN Centre at AIIMS.
Special repairing of submersible pump at A.V. Nagar at AIIMS.
S/R to JPNA Trauma Centre (SH: Providing & fixing false ceiling in disaster management area in Truma Centre) of AIIMS.
S/R to 50 Nos. flats at AGV Complex (SH: Renovation of Kitchen toilet & P/F tiles in flat No. SIII/40) at AIIMS.
Renovation of NS4 Ward in C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
S/R to 50 Nos. flats at AGV complex (SH: Replacement of worm out wooden cup boards, P/F tiles & misc. work in flat No.407) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O New Laundary & Forensic Block (SH: Job work) at AIIMS.
S/I/T/C of nline UPS in C3 Labour room & Nursery at Ward Block at AIIMS, New Delhi.
P/F wooden storage in CT4 slabs in CTVS ICU & table top in VVIP and in C.N. Tower & C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Wars block. (SH: Job work related to Sewer man, Plumber and Beldar work) at AIIMS
Renovation of E Type flats toilets at A.V. Nagar at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Const. of boundry wall in front of Gamma Kinife at AIIMS.
A/A of E.I. & fans in Room Nos. 4055-A and 3068 in PC & Teaching Block at AIIMS.
M/O W.T. A/C units and Ref. Works at AIIMS. (SH: All in comprehensive servicing of Desert cooler 3000/4000 cm capacity of outer area at AIIMS.
M/O Main A/C plant at JPNTC Raj Nagar, New Delhi.
Providing CCTV System in Neuro Radiology (Cath Lab) of CNC at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to 50 Nos. falts at AGV Complex (SH: Renovation of Bathroom ,Kitchen, Floor tiles in all rooms & replacement out cupboards by M.S. Cupboards in Flat No.411) at AIIMS.
Special repair of 5000 cu. Feet capacity Gas Holder No. 6 at Oil gas Plant at AIIMS.
Construction of office and Seminar room on the 1st floor PET Building OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to External Services (SH: Repair of cable root cut be NDMC in hospital area) at AIIMS.
Development of Disaster Management area at 1st Floor, JPNA T.C. Raj nagar at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: Replacement of damaged door shutter & toilet for New A & B qtrs. at various places) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: Misc. work day to day in vacant qtrs. of New & Old B type qtrs. & New Type III Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
S/R to A.V. Nagar old Type III & FTA (SH: Replacment of worn out Brokent door window, cupboard shutter in different Old Type III qtrs.) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar. (SH: Replacement of damaged/broken Door shutter at different Qtrs. A,B & Type III New Qtrs. at AIIMS.
M/O Main A/C plant at Dr. BRAIRCH, AIIMS.(SH: Duct cleaning work for Main OT, Surgical OT, ICU,BMT and all ward area.)
Rewiring of Electrical installation in 6 Nos. flat of F type in western campus residential area at AIIMS, New Delhi.
M/O Main A/C plant a JPNA TC, Raj Nagar,New delhi.(SH: Replacement of wornout/ damaged pre filters and Microvee filter for O.T and ICU.
Renovation of space adjacent to Neuro biochemistry lab at first floor of old Nurses Hostel  for developing lab at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in W.C. (SH: Renovation of qtrs. No. F-56,70 & 81) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O AGV Comlex (SH: job work for water tanker) at AIIMS.
P/f alum. Almirah in NS OT 1st floor C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Pdg. D.G. backup emergency electric supply at Guest House and Office at Directore's bunglow.
S/R to C.N. Centre (SH: P/F alum. Almirah for instruments in Cath. lab at AIIMS.
Renovation of Chief room & Board room toilet at BRAIRCH at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: Misc. work day to day in vacant Qtr. of New & old A Type Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
Developing courtyard in front of R.NO. 37 to 47 at ground floor of New Pvt. ward at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar. (SH: Repl. of Orissa W.C. pan day to day in New & old qtrs. A &B type qtrs. at AIIMS.
M/O Lifts of C.N. Centre, AIIMs, New Delhi.
S/R to CDER. (SH: Job work for maintenance )at AIIMS.
Comp. Maint & round the clock operation of Automatic Fire Alarm System in Adminstrative Block, Library, NMR & MRI at AIIMS New Delhi.
S/R to Dr. R.P. Centre (SH: Renovation of exisiting Ladies/Gents and staff toilet at G.floor and 1st Floor of OPD) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O AGV Complex (SH: Managing water lines & valves during round the clock) at AIIMS.
M/O Lifts in Trauma Centre at AIIMS. (SH: Running Operation of Passenger cum bed lifts).
Running & Operation of various Elecrical Services i.e. E.I. & fans, Lifts, D.G. Sets and Pump Motor sets in Dr. BRA IRCH at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Providing & Operation of various Electrical Services i.e. E.I. & Fans, Lifts, D.G. Sets and Pump Motor Sets in Dr. BRA IRCH at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Providing and Laying L.T. Cable for connection to Electric Heated IBR Boiler at New Laundry cum Workshop building at AIIMS.
M/O Lifts in Trauma Centre at AIIMS.
Special Repair of D.O. Incinerator plant at AIIMS. New Delhi.
Running Operation of Lift at FTA A.V. Nagar at AIIMS. (M/O E.I. & Fans at FTA A.V. Nagar at AIIMS.
Renovation of OPD in C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH: II Fire Detection work)
Special repair of E.I. & Fans in E/W Campus, residential area at AIIMS.
M/O Lifts at New Laundry cum workshop Bldg., in AIIMs,New Delhi.
Construction of additional floor above 1st  floor ORBO building at AIIMS.
Misc. works in CCU and CT2 in C.N. Centre, at AIIMS.
Renovation of R.NO. 10 CT-7 of C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Deveoping entrance of Central Admission & Railway reservation at GF of New Pvt. wards at AIIMS.
M/O AFAS of Dr. BRAIRCH at AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH: Comp. maint & round the clock operation of Automatic Fire Alarm system.
Providing and Laying L.T. Cable for connection to Electric Heated IBR Boiler at New Laundry cum Workshop building at AIIMs, New Delhi.
Renovation of lift corridor of old Pt. Ward from Ground floor 8th  floor in Wards Block at AIIMS.
P/L Granite on floor & walls in cath. Lab Department of Cardiac Radiology, C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
Pdg. Poratable water treatment through Reverse Osmosis Technology for main kitchen at AIIMS.
Renovation of OPD in C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH: II Fire Detection work)
Renovation of offices in R.No. 712, 714, 715,719 and Other room at 7th floor of C.N.Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi
A/R and M/O Resdl.Qtrs in Eastern Campus (SH: Internal painting in C-I and C-II type qtrs) at AIIMS.
P/F Granite flooring and wall lining on the corridor of HLA lab in P.C. Block at AIIMS.
M/O Oil fired Steam Boiler, sterlizer and shredder at Incinerator at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH: R/O of oil fired steam Boiler, Steam Sterlizer and shredder)
Providing and fixing E.I and fans, Exhauast/Fans etc. in CSSD and Cafeteria at Trauma Centre of AIIMS
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Western Campus(SH: Wooden almirah, Kitchen Cabinet, Cup boards/shelves in various Type Qtrs) at AIIMS
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs in Eastern Campus (SH: Renovation of Qtr. No C-1/6) at AIIMS, New Delhi
S/R to CDER (SH: P/F singnage plates at different locations) at AIIMS
M/O E.I and Fans in New Laundary Cum Workshop building AIIMS, New Delhi (SH: Repair of New Laundry Machines)
Renovation of Vacant Room of 4th floor Geriatric OPD in main OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi
A/R and M/O C.N. Centre (SH: Internal painting work CNC and CNT) at AIIMS
Renovation of area in the Deptt. of Radio-Diagnosis at 2nd floor of New Pvt. Ward building at AIIMS
Special Repair at D.O Incinerator plant at AIIMS, new Delhi
Rewiring of Electrical Installation in Flat No C-II-18 Eastern Campus, in Residential area at AIIMS
Shifting of CNC OPD temporarily at the Ground Floor of Old Nurses Hostel at AIIMS
M/O Oil fired steam boiler, sterlizer and shredder at Incinerator at AIIMS , New Delhi
S/R to JPNATC(Sh:-Making of partition and security staff counter in Trauma Centre) at AIIMS
Renovation of D-6 ward in Wards Block, at AIIMS
Renovation of R.No. 24 at CT-7 , C,N. Centre at AIIMS
Renovation of D-6 ward at AIIMS
M/O E.I and fans in Pvt Ward and Nurses hostel at AIIMS, New Delhi
A/A of rooms no 1 to 11 at ground floor of New Pvt Wards for shifting of Central Registeration enquiry, Railway counter etc at AIIMS, New Delhi
Rewiring of Electrical installation of Flat No. C-II-18 , eastern Campus in Residential area in AIIMS
Up gradation of Swimming pool Filtration plant at Gents Hostel at AIIMS
Renovation of OPD in C.N Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH: II Fire Detection work)
Special Repair of D.G. set AMF Panel in Main Hospital at AIIMS
M/O E.I and Fans in Dr. BRA IRCH at AIIMS
A/R and M/O to Wards Block
A/R and M/O Resdl Qtrs. in Eastern Campus
A/A of E.I & Fans in Room No. 4055 -A and 3068 in PC & Teaching Block at AIIMS
S/R of JPNATC (Sh: Construction of under ground rain water discharge  pit in Trauma Centre of AIIMS
S/R to External Services at BHC Ballabgarh (SH:Const. of tube well) at AIIMS
Renovation of OPD in C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi
Renovation of  office of Dr. Madhulika Kabra of Genetic Unit Deptt. of Pediatrics of Old O.T Building at AIIMS
Cleaning and filling the low lying area behind Lanudry Building at BHC Ballabgarh of AIIMS
S/R to Resdl Qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: Rennovation of toilet & replacement of window (steel) shutter in D-II/29) at AIIMS
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs in Western Campus (SH: Renovation of Qtrs. No. F-90) at AIIMS
M/O Lifts of Main Hospital at AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH: Running operation of Lifts at P.C. & Teaching Block)
A/R & M/O 50 Nos. Flats at AGV Complex (SH: Internal finishing of Flats) at AIIMS, New Delhi
S/R to New Nurses Hostel M/Moth (SH: P/F glazed wall tiles in stair case) at AIIMS,New Delhi.
Special Repair of damaged cable of street light is Western campus at AIIMS.
Improvement of passage of main  kitchen in Old Nurses Hostel) at AIIMS.
Providing and fixing Generator supply for department of Radio diagnosis ground floor in OPD block at AIIMS, New Delhi
S/R to Resdl Qtrs. in Western Campus (SH: Renovation of Qtrs. No. F-12, F-55 & F-75)at AIIMS
Temp, Pediatrics OPD in the existing Two Garages at CRIS Project Ballabhgarh, at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Temp, Pediatrics OPD in the existing Two Garages at CRIS Project Ballabhgarh, at AIIMS, New Delhi.
S/I of Submerisble pump motor set at New Tube Well Bore at AGVC Asiad Village at AIIMS
Annual Service Contract for 3 Nos. 1000KVA Cummins D.G. Set powered with Cummins Diesel Engine of Trauma Centre at Raj Nagar at AIIMS
Pdg. E.I & Fans Geysers. Plug Ceiling Fans etc., at M.R.S.R NO. 109,TC2,TC3, Emergency Deptt. Follow up OPD (103, 104 & 108) of Trauma Centre at AIIMS
M/O E.I & Fans in New Pvt. Ward & Nurses Hostel at AIIMS, New Delhi.
A/A of rooms no 1 to 11 at grund floor of New Pvt Wards for shifting of Centeral Registration enquiry, Railway counter etc. at AIIMS, New Delhi.
M/O A.C. Plant at AIIMS(SH: Managing the services of various locations of Air Conditioning Enquiry)
S/R to External Services (SH: Guinting ofdamages U.G. Tank wards block) at AIIMS
Pdg. & Fixing Porta Cabin for Temporary Holding of Laundary linen in Wards Block at AIIMS.
M/O E.I & Fans of Laundary cum workshop building New Mortuary bldg. at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH: Running and Maint. of Elect. Installation i/c fans for 12 months)
M/O E.I & Fans at Dr. Hostel and Nurses Hostel at Masjid Moth, AIIMS. (Supply of Geyer Element and Automatic Change over switch)
M/O E.I & Fans, Gen. set, street light etc. at NDDTC of AIIMS, Ghaziabad (SH: Replacement  of defective switch socket & rewiring etc.)
Renovation of D-3 ward in ward Block at AIIMS,new Delhi (SH: Pdg. Automatic Fire Alarm System)
M/O E.I & Fans of Laundry cum workshop building New Mortuary bldg, at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH:Running and Maint. of Elect. installations i/c fans for 12 months)
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs in Eastern Campus(SH: Renovation of Qtrs. No. C-I/9) at AIIMS, New Delhi
A/R & M/O Resdl. Qtrs at A.V. Nagar(SH: Painting work of internal of New Type-III Day to Day vacated Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
Annual Services Contract for 3 Nos. 1000 KVA Cummins D.G. Set Powered with Cummins Diesel Engine of Trauma Center at Raj Nagar at AIIMS
Providing & Laying inter Locking paver block at old Type III pump room & U.G.Tank all round of A.V Nagar at AIIMS
A/A of E.I & Fans in AB-7 PAR Room 9th floor /AB-4/D-2/D-7/C-2/Ward and Blood bank at AIIMS, New Delhi
Renovation of Computer Facility in P.C. Block at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH: Fire Detection Work)
A/R and M/O Redl Qtrs. At A.V.Nagar(Sh: Painting work of internal on New Type-III Day to day acctifiated
A/R and M/O Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar( SH: Painting work of B-type old Qtrs day today at AIIMS
S/R to New Nurses Hostel M/Moth(SH: P/F glazed wall tiles in stair case) at AIIMS, New Delhi
P/F of Fan coil unit at the Record Room Telephone Exchange, Mortuary & A.C. Plant at Basement of JPNATC, AIIMS
P/F of Coil unit at the Record Room Telephone Exchange Mortuary & A.C plant at Basement of JPNATC AIIMS.
Special repair of damaged cable of street light is Weste Campus at AIIMS.
Renovation of hall in Cafeteria in Ward Block at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH: pdg. E.I. & Fans)
M/O E.I. & Fans of C.N. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH: Comp. Maintenane of Numeric make UPS System).
M/O lifts in Dr. R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH: Running Operation of lifts)
Renovation of AB-7 ward in ward block at AIIMs, New Delhi.(SH: Pdg. Automatic Fire Alarm System.)
Renovation of computer facility in P.C Block at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH: Fire detection work)
A/A of E.I & Fans in AB-7 PAR room 9th floor /AB-4/D-2/D-7/C-2/ward and Blood Bank at AIIMS , New Delhi
Providing & Laying inter locking paver block at old Type III pump room & U.G Tank all round of A.V. Nagar at AIIMS
S/R To Resdl. Qtrs. in Western Campus( Sh: Renovation of Qtrs. No. D-11/4) At AIIMS
Renovation of R.No. 9 & 11 , SRB Center in OPD Block at AIIMS, New Delhi(SH: Electical works)
M/O E.I. and Fans of Laundry cum workshop building New Mortuary bldg. at AIIMs, New Delhi.(SH: Running and Maint. of Elect. Installation i/c fans for 12 months).
Renovation of D3 ward in ward Block at AIIMs New Delhi.(SH: pdg. Automatic Fire Alarm System).
M/O E.I. & Fans, Gen,set street light etc, at NDDTC of AIIMS, Ghaziabad.(SH: Replacment  of defective switch socket & reqiring etc.)
M/O E.I. & Fans at Dr. Hostel and Nurses Hostel at Masjid Moth, AIIMS. (Supply of Geyser Element and Automatic Change over switch)
S/R to New Nurses Hostel M/Moth (SH: P/F glazed wall tiles in stair case) at AIIMS,New Delhi.
A/R & M/O Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: Painting work of B Type Old Qtrs & E Type Qtrs. day to day) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar(SH: Painting work of internal of New Type-III Day to Day vacated Qtrs.) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus (Sh: Rennovation of Qtr. No. C-1/9) at AIIMS, New Delhi
M/O E.I & Fans of Laundary cum Workshop building New Mortuary bldg, at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH: Running and Maint. of Elect, Installation i/c fans for 12 months)
Addition & Alteration of R.No. 1 to 11 at GF New Pvt. Ward for shifting cental admission enquiry railway counter etc. at AIIMS
M/O D.G. Sets of C.N Tower at AIIMS New Delhi (Sh: ANnual Maintenance contract for 500 KVA D.G. Sets)
Annual Service Contract for 3 Nos 1000 KVA Cummins D.G. Set Powered with Cummins Diesel Engine of Trauma center at Raj Nagar
Pdg. E.I And fans Geysers, Plug Ceiling Fans etc, at  M.R.S. R. No. 109 TC2, TC3, Emergency Deptt. Follow up OPD (103, 104 & 108) of Trauma Center at AIIMS
Renovation of D3 ward in ward Block at AIIMs New Delhi. (SH: Pdg. Automatic Fire Alarm system).
S/R to Resdl. qtr. in E.C. (SH: Repl. of w/O window shutter in qtr. No. DII/30) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. qtr. in E.C. (SH: Renovation of qtr. No. E-68) at AIIMS.
P/F fast track tree system in Neonatal ICU at ! floor in C.N. Centre, at AIIMS.
Construction of office & Seminar Room on the 1th floor PET Building OPd Block at AIIMs, New Delhi.(SH: P/F Electrical works)
Construction of 6 Nos. Type-II Residential flat at BHC Ballbhgarh at AIIMS.(SH: Providing E.I. & Fans Wiring etc.)
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in W.C. (SH: Repl. of damaged /Blocked GI pipe in I-type Qtrs. No.73 to 104) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in W.C. (SH: Renovation of vacated qtr. No. F-87 & F-116) at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in W.C. (SH: Renovation of vacated qtr. No. E27 & E50) at AIIMS.
S/R to Drs. Hostel and New Nurses Hostel M.Moth.(SH: P/L Concrete paver block at bus parking area & P/F M.S. Gate at Electric sub station) at AIIMS.
Renovation of R.NO. 3015 in Deptt. of Bio-Chemistry at P.C. Block at AIIMS.
Renovation of D3 ward in Wards Block at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O to Dr. BRA,IRCH,(SH: job work related to Carpenter, Fitter man Beldar & Enquiry clerk) of AIIMS.
Supply of chairs sofa sets & other for Telemedicine Facility at 3rd floor of old Nurses Hostel at AIIMS. ( Sh: Supply of Chairs etc.)
Manufacturing Supplying & placing of chairs, sofa set and other furniture for Telemedicine Facility at 3rd floor of old Nurses Hostel at AIIMS.
Addition & Alteration in existing garage for children OPD, BHC ballabgarh of AIIMS.
A/A for Nurses changing room and toilet in CTVS ICU-A at C.N. Centre at AIIMS.
M/O Generator sets in Dr. R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi,(SH: Running Operation of 125 and 180 KVA Generatores)
Pdg. Electrical connection from UPS of O.T to basement Simulation Lab & Seminar Room (First Floor) of Trauma Centre AIIMS, New Delhi.
Procurement of Aluminium Ladder for N.D.D.T.C Ghaziabad, U.P. at AIIMS.
Comp/ Maint. & round the clock operation of Automatic fire alarm system in Resi/Dr. Hostel & Nurses Hostel M.Moth AIIMS. (12Month)
Running operation & Maintenance of various Electrical services E.I. & Fans, Pump Motor Sets and Lifts at Centre for Dental Education and Research at  AIIMS.
Pdg. Potable water treatment through Reverse Osmosis technology for main kitchen & New Pvt. Ward at AIIMS (SH: Const. of shade & plumbing work.)
P/F kota stone in back side of C.N Centre at AIIMS. (Agt. No. 189/B&R/CD-I/2009-2010.)
Renovation of R.NO. 5039 in the Deptt. of Orthopaedics at 5th floor in Teaching Block at AIIMS,
M/O of AHU's & FCU's at AIIMS. (SH: All in comprehensive operation & Maintenance contract of Main OPD Block A.C. system.
Rewiring of Electrical Installation in flat No. E-27,E50.E68,&E107 in E/W Campus residential area at AIIMS.
S/R to wards block.(SH: Repairing works in old Pvt. ward) at AIIMS.
Renovation of AB-7 ward in ward block at AIIMS.
S/R to P.C. & Teaching block.(SH: Replacement of worn-out PVC flooring in B.B. Dixit Library) at AIIMs.
S/R to wards block.(SH: Misc. works in AB-4 ward) at AIIMS.
Comp. Maint. & round the clock operation of Automatic fire alarm system in Resi/Dr. Hostel & Nurses Hostel M.Moth AIIMS.
Development of conference room & ORBO building of CNC at AIIMS. New Delhi.
Special Repairs of E.I & Fans in Dr. R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi (SH: Replacement of worn out panel Board in OPD).
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus (SH: Replacement of worn out flooring in CI,CII,DII,& E Type qtrs.) at AIIMS.
Pdg. & Laying premix carpeting in faculty car parking at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O 80 Nos. Type-II qtrs., Drs./Nurses hostel at M.Moth(SH: Internal white washing & painting) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Gents hostel (SH: Internal finsihing of the rooms of H.NO.1 to 8) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar Type III & FTA.(SH: Internal finishing work in different units) at AIIMS.
M/O Lifts of Main Hospital at AIIMS New Delhi.(SH: Running operation of lifts at P.C. & Teaching Block.)
M/O Llfts of Radio Therapy Block in Hospital at AIIMS,New Delhi for 12 months (SH: Comprehensive maintenance.)
M/O E.I. & Fans,Gen.set street light etc. at NDDTC Ghaziabad (SH: Replacement of defective modular switch socket & rewiring etc.
JPNA Trauma Centre (SH: P/F marble stone flooring in basement open area & covering expansion joints in Trauma Centre) at AIIMS
Renovation of Room No.8 (Seminar Room) in basement of Biotechnology Building at AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. at A.V. Nagar (SH: Replacement of damaged wooden cupboard shutter of New Type-II Qtrs. No. 434,486,469,516,488,476,472,492 etc.) at AIIMS.
Renovation of room for Simulator system on 9th floor of ward Block at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O to Gents Hostel (SH: Supply of material at site) at AIIMS.
Supply of Materials at Site(AGt No. 125/CD-II/(B&R)/2009-2010)
Supply of Materials at Site
Renovation of Corridor at 1st floor of CSD at AIIMS
A/R & M/O to Gents Hostel(SH:Supply of material at site) at AIIMS
Additional alteration for E.I and Fans and Rewiring etc. in flat No. 415 and 417 at Hawa Singh Block AGVC of AIIMS
Construction of Disaster Management area in Trauma Centre of AIIMS
Special Repair  of Lifts car in P.C. & Teaching Block at AIIMS, New Delhi
M/O E.I & Fans of CNC and CN Tower at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Providing E.I & Fans in OPD Area and newly constructed cabins and  separate connections for A/C unit at 2nd floor  NDDTC at Ghaziabad , AIIMS
A/R & M/O NDDTC Ghaziabad (SH: Internal and external painting of wards,OPD, Stores,Mess Canteen, Hostel and Boundary Wall) of AIIMS.
S/R to Resd. Qtrs. in EAstern Campus (SH: Repair work for sanitary & water Supply work in CI,CII,DII & E Type Qtrs. , Guest House , Faculty Club etc.) at AIIMS.
P/I of H.T./L.T. Sub-Station Tranformers, Bus coupler,ducting, isolator and earthing for 2000KW load at AIIMS.(SH: S/I/T/C of SubStation equipment like L.T. Panel board, capacitor panels and bus duct etc. for New Pvt. ward. at AIIMS.
S/R to Resd. Qtrs. In Eastern Campus(SH: Renovation of Qtr. No.C-1/16) at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O C.N. Centre (SH: Internal painting work CNC & CNT) at AIIMS.
Renovation of R.NO.3005 and 3005B in P.C. Block at AIIMS.
Modification of R.NO. 4088 (Dr. Sanjay Gupta )Deptt. of nephrology in Teaching Block at AIIMS.
P/F Gate and IRC fabric around Medicine OPD Registration counter OPD Block at AIIMS.
A/R & M/O NDDTC Ghaziabad (SH: Job work related to maintenance of lawns) of AIIMS.
S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. In Western Campus (SH: Misc wooden work day to day of various Qtrs. I.F.E & DII) at AIIMS.
S/R to JPNA Trauma Centre (SH; Making of aluminum partion in OT linen Room,BloodBank & other misc. woodwork in Trauma Centre) at AIIMS.
Renovaton of kitchen & toilet in married accommodation R.Nos 617 to 620 & 717 to 719 of Drs. Hostel M/Moth at AIIMS.
Replacement of broken/hard/soft Water supply lines & SCI pipe line at various locations of A, B & Type-III Qtrs. at AIIMS
Construction of Delivery Room and ward at PHC  Chhainsa at AIIMS
Special Repair of  E.I. & Fans in Ward Block at AIIMS, Near Delhi (SH: Replacement of damaged stand by cable for D-Wing riser)
M/O E.I. & Fans in Ward Block at AIIMS, New Delhi
Renovation of AB-7 Ward in Ward Block at AIIMS, New Delhi
Providing standby supply cable from CNT D.G Room to CNC D.G Room at AIIMS, New Delhi
S/R to External Services (SH: Const. of dustbin near Nallah) at AIIMS
Renovation of R.No. 3082-A in Deptt. of Gynae at 3rd Floor in Teaching Block at AIIMS
Renovation and modification of toilet and allied area of Shishu Mandir  at Ground Floor of Old NH at AIIMS
Replacement of damaged stair case near Lifts, Ist Floor to 5th Floor in P.C & Teaching Block at AIIMS
P/F SS Sink (Commerical Type) in main kitchen at GF of old Nurses Hostel at AIIMS.
Providing E.I. & Fans in OPD area and newly constructed cabins and Separate connections for A/C unit at 2nd  floor NDDTC at Ghaziabad AIIMS.
Repair of finishing work in Eastern and Western Campus
Replacement of worn out G.I/C.I. pipes at different places
Rewiring of light points in lift waiting area & repl. of exhaust fan in ward toilets.
Additional alteration for E.I. & Fans and Rewiring etc. in flat No.415 and 417 at Hawa Singh Block AGVC  of AIIMS.
Construction of Disaster Management Area in Trauma Center of AIIMS( SH: S/I/T/C of Fire Alarm System)
Internal Modification  of lifts car in P.C. & T Block etc.
Renovation of Toilet, Bathroom and Kitchen floor in E-2,3,7,14,19,25 & 26 etc
M/O E.I & Fans at A.V Nagar at AIIMS
Replacement of faulty and unrepairable fire panels at Trauma Centre of AIIMS.
M/O Oil fired alarm boiler,steam sterilizer and shredder at  AIIMS.(Sh: Annual Maint. Of Autoclave & shredder of incinerator plant)
Special repair of damaged cable of street  light in eastern campus at AIIMS.
M/O D.G. Set of NMR Centre at AIIMS.(SH: R/O of 110 KVA Kirloskar Cummins D.G. set)
Renovation of side room of R.No.4008 in P.C. Block at AIIMS.(Agt. No. 154/B&R/CD-I/2009-2010)
P/L interlocking tile in front of F-105 tp F-113 at AIIMS.(Agt. No. 157/B&R/CD-I/2009-2010)
Pdg. Potable Water Treatment through Reverse Osmosis Technology for RPC-I Hostel.(SH: Pdg/Installation of R.O. Plant for 200 ltr. Per hour capacity ) at AIIMS.(Agt. No. 156/B&R/CD-I/2009-2010)
A/R & M/O P.C. & Teaching Block ( SH: White washing and painting of external area) in P.C. Block at AIIMS.
 S/R to Resdl. Qtrs. in Eastern Campus(SH: Renovation of Qtr. No. E-107) at AIIMS,New Delhi.
 M/O E.I. and Fans ,Street Light ,Pump ,Generator Sets at PHC Dayalpur and Chhainsa ,Ballabhgarh (Haryana),AIIMS. (SH: Running Operation of Elect. Installation of i/c fans)
M/O Laundry Equipments at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH: Procurement of Materials)
M/O Laundry Equipments at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH: Procurement of Materials)
M/O E.I. and Fans in Gents Hostel ,Ladies Hostel ,Biotech Building ,Animal House and non-residential Building at AIIMS. (SH: Supply of Materials)
M/O E.I. and Fans in Gents Hostel ,Ladies Hostel ,Biotech Building ,Animal House and non-residential Building at AIIMS. (SH: Supply of Materials)
Running maintenance of E.I. & fans in Ward Blocks at AIIMS, New Delhi.
Running & Operation of D.O. Incinerator plant at AIIMS ,New Delhi.
Pdg. & installation of Solar Heating System at Gents Hostel No. 7 at AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH: Elect. work with G.I. pipe water line with insulation)
S/R to JPNATrauma Centre.(SH: Construction of Disater Management Area in Trauma Centre ) at AIIMS, New Delhi.(Elect. work)
Renovation of space allotted for Deptt. of Gastroentrology at 2nd floor at Old Nurses Hostel at AIIMS ,New Delhi.(S/I/T/C of fire alarm system)
 Renovation of offices in R. No. 712,714,715,719 & other room of 7th Floor (NS-7) of C.N.   Centre at AIIMS,New Delhi.(SH: Elect. work)
Renovation of Skin OPD of R. No. 1139,1141 & Laser O.T. in OPD Block at AIIMS,New Delhi.(P/F Electrical works).
Renovation of Laboratory Medicine Department at 2nd Floor in OPD Block at AIIMS ,New Delhi.(Electrical works).
S/I/T/C of 35 KVA Online UPS in AB-II ICU at Ward Block at AIIMS,New Delhi.
Renovation of Clinical Skill Lab CMET at AIIMS,New Delhi. (SH: Elect. work)
Construction of Waiting Hall for Outer Patients near Medicine OPD , Ground floor at AIIMS ,New Delhi
A/A of E.I. & fans in Pathology Undergraduate Practical Hall in P.C. & T. Block at AIIMS,New Delhi.
Annual Maintenance contract of Diesel Operated Generator sets at AIIMS New Delhi (SH:-AMC of 180,180,250 & 40 KVA D.G.Sets).
Annual Maintenance and operation of 3 Nos, 20 passengers lift at laundry building at AIIMS New Delhi(SH:- Comprehensive maintenance and service of lifts).
A/A of E.I. and fans in Embalming facility and adjoining outer area in PC and Teaching Block at AIIMS ,New Delhi
A/A of E.I. and fans of Faculty room situated near main Cafeteria in P.C. and Teaching Block at AIIMS ,New Delhi.
A/A of E.I. and fans in Room No. 4004,1081,4096,2074,3093,1040/2,5046 and other misc. work P.C. and Teaching Block at AIIMS ,New Delhi.
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