Reservation Register/Rosters Last Updated On : 20 अक्टू 2023 Assistant Blood Transfusion Officer Biochemist Cadre of Data Entry Operator Cadre of Dietitician Cadre of Driver Cadre of Finance Cadre of Health workers Cadre of Hindi Cadre of Library Cadre of Masalchi Bearer Cadre of Medical Record Cadre of OT Cadre of P&PRO Cadre of Physio. Occupational Therapist Cadre of Secreterial Cadre of Security Cadre of Statistician Cadre of Steward Chemist Clinical Psychologist General Duty Medical Officer Scientist I Scientist II Cafeteria Computer Facility Cadre of Dark Room Assistant Cadre of Nursing Cadre of Perfusionist Cadre of Projectionist Cadre of Public health nurse (supervisor) Cadre of Radiology Cadre of Radiotherapy Cadre of Store Cadre of Morgue Cadre of Dental Cadre of Cook Cadre of Central Workshop. Cadre of Laundry Cadre of Ophthalmology Cadre of Pharmacist Cadre of R& AL Cadre of Tailor Cadre of Warden Cadre of Carpenter Cadre of Draughtsman Cadre of Mali Cadre of Mason Cadre of Gasman Cadre of Painter Cadre of Operator (E&M) Cadre of Mechanic (E&M) Cadre of Plumber Cadre of Mechanic ACR Cadre of Tech. (Telephone) Cadre of Operat. Asst. Cadre of Sewerman Cadre of Wireman Cadre of MTS Cadre of MSSO Cadre of Animal…ouse Attendent Cadre of Administration Cadre of Office Attendent Cadre of Sanitation Cadre of Clinical Psychologist and Child Psychologist Cadre of Combined ABTO & GDMO Cadre of Combined assistant warden, dental tech gd II, d... Cadre of Combined BTO & Senior Scientific Officer Cadre of Combined roster- Sanitary inspector. Artist, Ju... Cadre of Combined Technical Assistant ENT, Perfusionist,... Cadre of Engineering ACnR Cadre of Engineering Civil Cadre of Engineering Elect. Cadre of Senior Scientific Officer Cadre of Sr. Chemist - Biochemist - Technical Editor Cadre of Sr. Scientific Officer Updated Cadre of OT Cadre of Lifegaurd and Physical Training Instructor