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Abstract preparation

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Instructions for preparing abstracts


Abstracts must not exceed 350 words, inclusive of title of the paper, author’s name, and institutional affiliations. The title should be brief and clearly indicate the nature of the research. It should be typed in capital letters, 14 point, bold and justified. State author names: surname followed by initials of first and middle names. Place an asterix (*) after the name of the presenter. Finally the institutional affiliations and city should be listed under the authors. The text of the abstract should include a statement of the purpose of the study, a detailed summary of the results and a conclusion.  Do not present conclusions that are not justifiable by the data provided. The authors should proof read carefully for errors. Use standard abbreviations and symbols. Keep abbreviations to a minimum and define each one when it is used for the first time. Figures and graphs are not permitted. Type the abstract single spaced using Times New Roman 14 point font size. Leave 1.5" left margin, 1" right margin and 1" as header. Few references and acknowledgement about grant support may be given at the end.


The abstract may be submitted by e-mail as an attachment to nplasticity@gmail.com or send two hard copies to the Organizing Secretary latest by 30th September 2006.